
Welcome to MFIS
We have been providing professional advice and creative technical solutions since 2001.
Our areas of expertise are especially focused on internet technologies and architecture, software design and development, and computer and network security. In recent years we have expanded our expertise to the broadcast industry with a focus on building contribution and distribution networks over public internet infrastructure and developing various solutions and software to serve this purpose.
Continue reading this section for a quick overview of what we do or jump to Our Services or Projects / Case studies for a deeper view.

Consulting & Design
We can provide technical and operational design requirements and even a rapid working prototype for your project.
With many years of experience in internet/network related software and hardware we can also provide recommendations to improve your project's viability.
We also provide security related services such as full or partial audits, penetration testing, & compliance testing for currently deployed infrastructure or for assets still in the deployment planning stages.

Development Services
We can provide systems / application development services for your project. We focus strongly, when possible, on using open source technology as a basis to reduce expense and time to market.

Managed Hosting & IT Outsourcing
Selective or total outsourcing of your business processes, groupware, websites, and other such IT infrastructure to MFIS allows you to leverage more than a decade of our experience and expertise in this area so that you can focus sharply on your own area of expertise.
Our Services
A Quick Overview
MFIS is a project oriented company but also provides on-going services intended to help with all phases of your technical project from concept to execution including on-going support.
Our mission is to provide justifiable and understandable technical support to any level of your organization.
We are a small network of experienced professionals with expertise in:
Design & Development Services

MFIS can provide systems, application, or software design and development for your project.
We focus strongly, when possible, on using open source technology as a basis to reduce expense and time to market.
Please have a look at our Projects / Case Studies section to get an idea of what sort of projects we have worked on in the past.
Technical Advise and Consulting

Product Development
MFIS can provide the technical and operational design requirements and even a rapid working prototype for your project. With a wide view on internet and network related software and hardware we can also provide recommendations to improve your projects viability.Security & Compliance
In the role of security advisor, we play an important role in your organization's formulation of a unified security policy for currently deployed infrastructure or for assets still in the deployment planning stages.Open Source Software (OSS) Strategy
When leveraging open source software (OSS) to meet business objectives, it is important to ensure that the greatest benefits are realized while the technical, legal, and operational risks are minimized. The need for an organization to have an open source strategy is clear. Our advisors can help your organization review and formulate a policy based on best practices while at the same time providing a tailored solution that fits the needs and pace of your company.Security and Compliance

MFIS is able to provide security related services such as full or partial audits, penetration testing, & compliance testing (including PCI Compliance) for existing infrastructure and applications and specialized consultancy services with a specific focus on minimalizing your organization's exposure to computer or network related security incidents.
In the role of consultantant, We play an important role in your organization's formulation of a unified security policy for currently deployed infrastructure or for assets still in the deployment planning stages.
To get a better idea of what we do and how we can help you, please feel free to get in contact with us.
Managed Hosting
We offer high quality managed hosting services such as:
With MFIS, you can depend on reliable technical support from experienced and talented system engineers.
IT Outsourcing

In today's competitive business environment, it is more important than ever that organizations focus their limited resources on their core business activities and run a lean operation in order to compete and stay relevant in their markets.
Many organizations begin to realize that it no longer makes sense to operate their own IT infrastructure and staff their own IT departments. Outsourcing your IT infrastructure and business processes to MFIS allows you to focus on your organizations core competencies while leveraging our experience and expertise to focus on the rest.
A good approach is important when choosing to outsource vital processes and infrastructure. With MFIS you are also able to choose a selective approach where you outsource specific IT functions in stages. This approach allows for a gradual growth into a mutually beneficial relationship and allows for continous performance reviews and adjustments.
MFIS as a Technology Partner or Investor?

This can result in lower startup & operational costs and relieves you from duties and issues associated with setting up a development team, systems support team, and the infrastructure needed to run your online service or application.
Feel free to drop us an email if you have an exciting project or idea but are lacking the resources for execution. We would love to hear from you!
Projects / Case Studies
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contact us using the form below or the information to the right.
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